We keep it simple...
The information that is taught and presented is the exact material that every Building Inspector, Building Department, Architect and Hoisting Engineer is trained on by the Dept. of Public Safety and the Massachusetts Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS).
We have top notch instructors...
Our instructors are licensed, certified and currently practice in construction, building code and legal matters. Real construction experience gained from the field... sets our trainers apart from the rest. Our trainers' experience and knowledge is a result of working in the industry for a variety of clients across New England. They bring this experience to every course we teach. You will no doubt receive excellent educational material and the most current information available on construction, building codes and heavy equipment.
We have convenient locations...
Class locations are in these areas:
- Click LOCATIONS to see our Educational Partners
- North & South shore
- North, South and West of Boston
- also in the Springfield area
Click on CSL CALENDAR to see class schedule... or take our CSL ONLINE course or our HOISTING ONLINE course
We are an approved educational provider for Massachusetts Construction Supervisors and Hoisting Engineers
Click Here for Reminder Register
What attendees have said about our classes...
"Great presentation, very well presented and organized... one of the best seminars I've ever attended."
"Glad to have a knowledgeable real world experienced instructor give the presentation."
"Great review and insight on new and upcoming codes... business practices was very informative as well."
"Convenient location, very comfortable setting, food was great"
"I have been to other continuing education classes in the past... it was like night and day. This class was significantly better!"